The great Western Petroleum LLC has committed to pay a fine of $ 175,000 and spent approximately $ 18 million for the installation of emission controls at its refinery in the North of Salt Lake City, Utah, the Justice Department and the U.s. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced today. Big oil to the West will also invest $ 253,000 to improve the monitoring and control of potential release of hydrofluoric acid on the device.
Today's agreement resolves the alleged violation of key provisions of the law on the protection of the atmosphere at the refinery, including the requirements that are associated with the prevention of significant deterioration and new performance standards.
When it is fully implemented, the controls and requirements pursuant to this agreement will reduce emissions of sulphur dioxide (SO2) approximately 158 tonnes per year (tpy), nitrogen oxides (NOx), approximately 32 tonnes and particulate matter (PM) by approximately 36 tonnes per year. Further reduction in unstable and dangerous pollutants such as benzene, it is expected that as a result of compliance with the findings and repair requirements.
Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides contribute to ground-level ozone, acid rain and the degradation of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and can also irritate the lungs and contribute to respiratory diseases. Fine particles pollution contains microscopic solid and liquid droplets which penetrate deep into the lungs and cause significant damage to the lungs and heart.
"This settlement will result in a substantial reduction of the air pollution of harmful and builds on previous settlements with area refineries, represents another step forward in improving the quality of air you breathe in the area of Utahns, Salt Lake City," said Robert g. Dreher, Assistant Attorney General for environment and natural resources division of the Ministry of Justice. "Big Western oil will be required to install advanced pollution control technology that will benefit the health and environment of their neighbors and future generations."
"EPA continues to provide significant settlements with refiners, who health and improve air quality in our communities," said Shaun McGrath, EPA's regional administrator in Denver. "Today's agreement will help bring a large oil refinery West of the current environmental protection standards."
Today's settlement requires a large Western oil to install state-of-the-art filter flue gas emission system PM and place ultra-low NOx gas burners and boilers, heaters, four. The company will also take measures to reduce SO2 emissions from the refinery, inter alia, restrictions on the hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in the fuel gas and the installation and operation of caustic scrubbers on sulfur recovery.
Moreover, big Western oil agreed to a number of improvements to its leak detection and repair program, including the installation of low-leaking valves and increase their waste to minimize or eliminate fugitive emissions of benzene. Cost of measures taken at the refinery is estimated at $ 18 million.
In addition, the company will spend $ 253,000 to supplemental environmental project laser detection system around the perimeter of hydrofluoric acid alkylation unit to improve recognition and response to release potentially dangerous acids. This system will reduce emissions and improve safety for workers, refinery and nearby communities.
The reduction of pollutants will benefit the communities in the vicinity of the refinery, which include significant minorities and low-income residents. The refinery is also located in areas designated as nonattainment for federal standard of 24 hours for fine particulate matter (PM2, 5).
According to PSD permit required a certain large industrial facilities, the implementation of the changes, which increase the emissions of pollutants into the air are necessary for the installation of pollution abatement. The EPA investigation in various industrial sectors, including the processing of crude oil finds that many devices will fail to install pollution controls, causing them to emissions of pollutants that can affect air quality and public health. The Clean Air Act new source performance standards require additional control measures in refineries. Enforcement of these requirements, reduces air pollution and ensures that the device, that are not in accordance with the requirements in a competitive disadvantage.
Since March 2000 the EPA entered into 31 settlements with companies that enhance a greater than 90 percent of the domestic petroleum refineries. These settlements covers 107 refinery in 32 States and territories. Once the settlements are fully implemented, the company will reduce emissions of SO2, NOx and other pollutants by more than 360 000 tonnes per year. Settling the refiner invested or will invest more than $ 6.5 billion in new technologies for pollution control, and paid more than $ 93 million in criminal fines. In addition, settlements reached the data account for more than 80 million dollars in supplemental environmental projects.
The consent decree was filed in the u.s. District Court for the District of Utah. A copy of the consent decree is available on the website of the Ministry of Justice at: Rd/Consent_Decrees. html
For more information about the Clean Air Act: air/CAA/