"EPA is pleased with the sponsorship of the $ 1 million to supplement the Community Conference Revolving Fund loans," Hedman said. "On the basis of the excellent reputation of the DCC, I am convinced that this money will be put to good use in the Ostrava region along the River--from Monroe, Dearborn City Hall and Pumphouse Willow Run curtain # 2."
In the past five years, the EPA has granted the Community Conference $ 6.6 million loaned out to clean up contaminated sites and $ 1.65 million for brownfield assessment work. Since 1997, the EPA has granted 15 revolving loan fund grants to support individual and assessment grants totaling nearly $ 14 million.
The Community supports the Conference evaluation and cleanup of more than 210 seats. Conversion of these sites resulted in the creation or preservation of 1,000 jobs. Projects also generated more than $ 100 million in public and private investment, resulting in $ 2 million in tax revenues each year.
"I'm glad that my friends on today's $ 1 million Prize announcement after the river brownfieldu the Community Conference," said Rep. Dingell. "I am proud of the earlier work along the River Community Conference and its brownfieldu of the Consortium, and today's announcement only further highlight DCC's reputation for outstanding stewards of taxpayer dollars, and its commitment to the projects, which greatly enhance the quality of life in our region. DCC and work, what makes them an example of how important the EPA funding for Southeast Michigan. "
"DEQ, EPA, and DCC has created a large partnership with historically to facilitate remediation of areas in Southeastern Michigan. DEQ is looking forward to continuing this partnership in the future. This award shows that the EPA not only acknowledges that Southeast Michigan has a brownfields funding needed, but also the fact that the River Community Conference does an excellent job, "said Carrie l. Geyer, Michigan Department of environmental quality.
"After the River Community Conference Board and staff, we are pleased to be part of the partnership, and all the good things that come with the grant," said Jim Perry, Executive Director of the Community Conference. "Our mission to keep the environment clean and people into work illustrates what is after the River Community Conference."
For more information about the EPA brownfields program: