EPA Extends Public Comment Period for Houston Superfund Site Proposal (TX)

In response to a community request during our August 6 public meeting, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is extending the public comment period for the proposed cleanup plan amendment for the South Cavalcade Street Superfund Site in Houston, Texas. The comment period will now conclude on September 23, 2013.

The extension for public comment will allow the community more time to review the Agency’s proposal and provide valuable input to shape our proposed plan. EPA will conduct additional outreach with the community during this timeframe to share information and answer questions.

The proposed plan includes:

• Install additional monitoring wells and verify the boundaries of the contaminated ground water plume.

• Conduct long-term ground water monitoring to ensure early warning if the contaminated ground water plume get larger.

• Restrict access or use of ground water within the contaminated plume.

The South Cavalcade Street Superfund Site is a former wood treating site used from 1910 until 1962. The operations resulted in soils and ground water being contaminated with hydrocarbons, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene, and metals (arsenic, chromium, copper, lead and zinc).

The EPA, in consultation with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, will select a final remedy for the site after considering all information submitted during the public comment period. The proposed action may be modified based on any new pertinent information received through public comments. EPA's plan will be documented in a Record of Decision (ROD) amendment and available for public review. A detailed response to public comments will also be included with the ROD amendment.

Ground water at the site is not used as a drinking water source; residents receive their water from City of Houston’s local lakes.

More Information: http://www.epa.gov/region6/region-6/tx/tx_south_cavalcade.html

Comments may be submitted no later than September 23, 2013 either by e-mail to Josiam.raji@epa.gov or in writing to:

Raji Josiam, Remedial Project Manager
EPA, Region 6 (6SF-RA)
1445 Ross Ave., Suite 1200
Dallas, TX 75202-2733

For more information, including a copy of the proposed plan and a fact sheet visit: http://www.epa.gov/region6/region-6/tx/tx_south_cavalcade.html or Houston Central Library, Julia Ideson Building 500 McKinney Street, Houston, Texas 77002

View the original article here