Discover What Ionic air purifier Is
Ionic air purifier is a good choice to purify the air surrounding our room in a house. We may be familiar with the reasons that we need type of air purifier in our home. It will control and limit air borne allergens like dust, mold spores, and alleviate allergy and asthma symptoms.
All air purifiers are not the same. Air purifier we are familiar with is likely conventional high efficiency particulate air filter purifier. This air filter purifier is popular, but expensive. We do not realize that we have other options when it comes to cleaning the air. One of the most effective other options of air purification is the ionic air purifier.
The ionic air purifier filters use electrostatic attraction to catch all types of air borne pollutants in the room. Metal plates in the ionic air purifier create the electrostatic charge, and then the air contaminants are pulled through the plates by the charge and caught in the filter.
Some types of ionic air purifier do not need a filter. The pollutant particles actually stick to the metal plates of the ionic air purifier and can be easily wiped away with a rag. This type air purifier also has another big advantage to help filter out bad odors surrounding our room.
If we smoke in the house, it would be better to smoke out side, we can dramatically improve our air room quality by using an ionic air filter. Most ionic air filter has been installed a fan, so the ionic air filter tends to have more coverage than other models. It can be used to purify several rooms rather than requiring a central location in the house.
Without filter is installed to the ionic air purifier, it can attract viral molecules and particles as well. So it will help us to cut down on the number of colds and other illnesses we experience throughout the year, and making the ionic air purifier a great way to improve our overall health.
Clean Entire Home
Whole ionic air purifier cleans the air in entire home rather than a single room. The ionic air purifier creates ionization uniformly within 60 feet of the air purifier, in all directions, on the other side of walls, floors, ceilings and closed doors. Dust, smoke, pollen, dander and other airborne particles attach themselves to the ions and are then removed from the air, leaving clean, crisp, healthy air.
The ionization is created by ionic air purifier uniformly in a ratio of 4,000 negative to 3000 positive ions per cubic centimeter. This is the same natural balance found outdoors in mountain environments where people go to feel fresh clean air. As we know that the negative ion count in a normal home is less than 100 per cubic centimeter.
This high technology ionic air purifier produces clean fresh air electronically. It revitalizes our living air for use in the home or office. Many people have an acute need for pure fresh air. Although the ionic air purifier is not medical device, some customers report that some remarkable effects they attribute to breathing the fresh air produced by the ionic air purifier.
Dramatic benefits from ionic air purifier reported that four millions satisfiedcustomer are relieved from asthma, allergies, headaches, fatigue, low energy, restless sleep, breathing and sinus problems, second hand smoke, mold problems, dog allergies, cat allergies and odors.
Over all now, we have the means to clean the air in anentire home using just a single ionic air purifier. And we have some advantages when we decide to use ionic air purifier to clean the air surrounding our room.
· Compact and portable
· No installation required
· Low electrical consumption
· No duct work required
· Low maintenance
· No need replacement filters
· Complete user control
· Create a negative-to-positive ion ratio of 4:3