Humidifier Cleaning

Tips and Guide for Humidifier Cleaning

Winter is also known as Humidifier Use Season due to decreased levels of moisture in the air. While there are numerous health benefits associated with electronic humidifier cleaning, improper use of these devices have been linked to respiratory problems. The same humidifier that brings we added comfort and breathability can also quickly become a veritable breeding ground for dangerous mold, mildew, and bacteria without a proper humidifier cleaning regimen.

According to the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the nation's largest science facility, improperly humidifier cleaning can expel tiny micro organisms into the air along with water vapor. The laboratory found that ultrasonic and cool mist humidifiers are particular notorious for this dangerous effect. Some may be tempted to run out and purchase an indoor air purifier to err on the side of safety, but this issue can be avoided entirely through adhering to a regular cleaning schedule.

Many people opt to buy small room humidifier cleaning rather than whole house humidifiers. These smaller humidifiers typically contain tanks with capacities up to 5 gallons. In order to properly clean these units, empty the leftover water on a daily basis then simply wipe the basin dry with a clean towel. You can then refill the unit with fresh water and we are good to go.

Once per week, drain all of the water out of the humidifier and prepare a humidifier cleaning solution of 1 teaspoon of bleach per gallon of water. We will allow this solution to sit and soak for approximately 20 minutes. Be sure to get the solution in the cracks and crevices to effectively kill any mold or bacteria that may be hiding. After long period of use, we may notice mineral deposits building up on the water basin. Thoroughly check for these crusty deposits and gently scrub with a soft brush, using a 50/50 mix of vinegar and water to remove buildup.

If our humidifier has a capacity of over 5 gallons, the weekly cleaning may be a hassle. We can get away with cleaning a bit less often, but make sure to empty the tank and sanitize at least once every week. If we opted for a whole house humidifier cleaning, we will want to take extra care to clean and sanitize several times throughout the Winter season.

If one of our family members has asthma or is sensitive to airborne allergies, we will want to adjust to a more frequent cleaning schedule. However, take a note of caution, ALWAYS make sure that our power supply has been cut off before we begin cleaning our humidifier cleaning.