Allergens come in many varieties and
are very hard to deal with as many of them are on such a tiny scale that they
are difficult to get rid of entirely. Their presence is certainly felt for many
people in the form of sneezing, runny noses, watery eyes and general misery.
Common allergens include pollen, pet dander, pollution and dust mite droppings are
either very hard to see or very hard to get rid of excepting by charcoal air
Many companies which specialize inair purifiers and cleaning products try to market their goods towards helping
to get rid of allergens, but these things can be a bit expensive, ineffective,
or even cause more problems than they solve if someone has an allergy to the
chemicals in the cleaner or even to the perfumes alone. The air purifiers and
filters have to be cleaned regularly while the cleansers have to be used
regularly. This will create more work for someone in the household. To avoid
this problem, we can use charcoal air filter.
Since no other methods are widely
advertised, everyone keeps using the old ways to get rid of allergens. A bamboo
charcoal air filter and purifier may be just the thing to deal with stubbornallergens in the home. Bamboo charcoal is very porous and uses activated carbon
to attract particulate matter in the air and trap it in its pores. The charcoal
then keeps the dust and allergens inside for up to two months or so before
needing to be recharged outside under direct sunlight for around three hours.